The Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics (LAP), of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in collaboration with the Hellenic National Meteorological Service, in the framework of EUMETSAT's Ozone SAF project has developed a total ozone validation facility aiming to the validation of the scheduled GOME-2 data. The facility is based on detailed comparisons of existing satellite total ozone with ground based data. The existing satellite data sets include various versions of GOME (GDP3.0, GDP4.0) and TOMS (V8). The ground based total ozone data used as reference are available from the World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Center (WOUDC), of the WMO Global Atmosphere Watch and from the World Ozone Mapping Centre hosted at LAP.
The Global Ozone Observing System of GAW/WMO is responsible for the collection and distribution of total ozone data a large network of ground stations, which includes Dobson, Brewer and M-124 observing stations.
During the operational phase of O3M SAF the comparisons will be updated every six months.
Distribution of ground-based total ozone observing stations
Validation of GOME GDP4.0 level-2
Validation of TOMS version 8 level-2
Validation of OMI OMTO3 level-2
Validation of OMI OMDOAO3 level-2
Validation of GOME-2 GDP4.6 level-2