MFP709 RADIATIVE TRANSFER MODELS-Postgraduate-Specialization - Optional
The objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the use
and applications of radiative transfer models in studying problems in
the scientific field of Physics of the atmospheric environment. For this
course the freely available radiative transfer model “libRadtran” is
used. The students start with the installation of the model in their
personal computers. The methods and sources for importing to the model
the required input data for different applications are presented and
analyzed. The students perform exercises to determine the sensitivity of
the model results on the input data and on the accuracy of the
radiative transfer equations solver. Different input data mining sources
are discussed including satellite and ground observations. Model
exercises are performed to study simple problems of atmospheric physics
that are related to solar and terrestrial radiation, as well as
applications of the model on the management of remote sensing
atmospheric and radiation measurements.