The project aims at the establishment of a network measuring solar ultraviolet radiation reaching the ground, which will cover Greece, using synchronous technology and methods for network operation and use of results. This proposal aims at the re-establishment of a network of UV stations over Greece and also its expansion (by adding a new station at Cyprus), based on research activity with updated technology, according to the current needs and the application of modern methods for quality control and assurance of measurements. In addition to this, goal of this proposal is the installation of modern technology instruments, the improvement of the stored data quality and the production of results (measured or calculated) that will expand the implementation of the network. The use of new technologies for data collection and storage is of major importance, as to provide real time data and results to users. The use of modern presentation techniques of measurements, results and products through the Internet, guarantees the better availability to provide information about (the present and/or the prospective state of) solar ultraviolet radiation levels to individuals, organizations and the public services. In this field, digital data update and use for processing and presentation purposes will be of great importance. Additionally, concurrent use of satellite data and information about atmospheric parameters affecting ultraviolet radiation reaching the ground (i.e. cloudiness, ozone column) will be studied. The link of UV network with international databases will provide the utilization of its facilities by scientific or other organizations.