Significant increasing trends in surface ozone in Greece
Ziomas, I. C., C. S. Zerefos, A. F. Bais, A. Proyou, G. Amanatidis and A. Kelessis
[abstract] Surface ozone data at several urban and one suburban station in Greece with variable record lengths, all show increasing trends during the period 1980-1987. Greece with its prolonged hot and sunny summers is particularly susceptible to photochemical production of ozone. The increasing summertime trends in monthly mean surface ozone values are statistically significant and, depending on station, they range from 8.5 ppb/year up to 13 ppb/year. The trends are larger in the suburban location than at urban sites. NOx ozone precursors also exhibit an increase of about 35% per year, which is about the same for all seasons. The large trends found in surface ozone, are among the largest in Europe.
[keywords] trends, ozone
Environmental Technology Letters, 10 (12), pp. 1071-1082, 1989