Evaluation of the OMI Aerosol Index using coincident LIDAR observations
Vassilis Amiridis, Elina Giannakaki, MariLiza Koukouli, Stylianos Kazadzis, Dimitris Balis and Alkis Bais
[περίληψη] A three-month observational campaign, combining OMI/Aura overpasses with coordinated synchronous detailed sunphotometer, cloud cover and lidar measurements took place in summer 2005 at Thessaloniki Greece (40.5oN, 22.9oE) in order to evaluate the UV and aerosol products of OMI. Here we present comparisons of the aerosol index with lidar measurements, giving emphasis to the free tropospheric aerosol load and the lidar ratio. There are indications for a positive correlation between lidar ratio and aerosol index, while the highest aerosol index and aerosol optical depth values were found for air masses originating from the Sahara desert
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23rd International Laser Radar Conference, Nara City, Japan on July 24th - 28th, 2006