Tourpali,K. and Bais,A. F. and Kazantzidis,A. and Zerefos,C. S. and Akiyoshi,H. and Austin,J. and Brühl,C. and Butchart,N. and Chipperfield,M. P. and Dameris,M. and Deushi,M. and Eyring,V. and Giorgetta,M. A. and Kinnison,D. E. and Mancini,E. and Marsh,D. R. and Nagashima,T. and Pitari,G. and Plummer,D. A. and Rozanov,E. and Shibata,K. and Tian,W. | [abstract]
We have used total ozone columns and vertical profiles of ozone and temperature from 11 coupled Chemistry-Climate Models (CCMs) to project future solar ultraviolet radiation levels at the surface in the 21st century. The CCM simulations are used as input to a radiative transfer model for the simulation of the corresponding future UV irradiance levels under cloud free conditions, presented here as time series of monthly erythemal irradiance received at the surface during local noon covering the period 1960 to 2100. Starting from the first decade of the 21st century, the surface erythemal irradiance decreases globally as a result of the projected ozone recovery, at rates which are larger in the first half of the 21st century, compared to the period up to 2100. The magnitude of these decreases varies with latitude and is more pronounced at areas where ozone has been depleted most considerably after 1980. Over midlatitudes surface erythemal irradiance decreases between 5 and 15% by 2100 relative to 2000, while at the southern high latitudes these changes are twice as much. Climate change may affect future cloudiness, surface reflectivity and tropospheric aerosol loading, the effects of which are not included in this study. Therefore, the actual changes in future UV radiation are likely to change accordingly in the areas affected.
| [keywords] atmospheric modeling; climate change; climate modeling; irradiance; radiative transfer; temperature effect; total ozone; twenty first century; ultraviolet radiation | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions,8(4),pp.13043-13062, 2008 | http://www.scopus.com/scopus/record/display.url?view=basic&eid=2-s2.0-47349088331&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f&src=s&st1=bais&st2=a.f.&nlo=1&nlr=20&nls=&sid=nUkQAOQwPGqLoR_tgu_U8rj%3a590&sot=anl&sdt=cl&cluster=scosubtype%2c%22ar%22%2ct%2c%22re%22%2ct&sl= | back to publications list |
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