Those who wish to present paper(s) at the Symposium are requested
to submit an Abstract (longer than 20 lines - maximum 500
words) of each proposed paper by e-mail latest by 30 November
2003. In the submission authors must indicate at least one
topic (using the tentative numbers indicated in front of the
subjects above) which is thought to be most appropriate and
to state their preference of oral or poster presentation.
However, the Scientific Program Committee may change/rearrange
submitted papers to other sessions than author's preference
in order to accommodate the overall oral/poster program sessions.
In principle the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) will accept
Abstracts as ASCII text format only by E-mail (In exceptional
case, those who have some troubles to use E-mail system can
send a copy of Abstract in a diskette by mail to LOC). The
Abstracts will be used to review the paper suitability for
oral or poster presentation to an appropriate session. Therefore,
it is in authors' own interest to prepare the Abstracts with
sufficient information for their review by the Scientific
Program Committee. It should be noted that a short Abstract,
for example with less than about 20 lines of text, would end
up in a wrong session or be deprived of oral presentation.
The Abstracts should include all of the
- Title of the Abstract
- Author Listing (principal author first): Family (last)
name, Middle name (initial), Given (own) name
- Affiliation
- Abstract text: Maximum 500 words (more than 200 words
- Indicate your preference to "Oral" or "Poster" presentation
- Details of correspondence: Name, Mailing Address, Phone,
Fax, E-mail
Abstracts should be sent to the Chairman of LOC by e-mail